1. I have been logged out of my email address and when I try to log back in it says error get hold of administrator.

    1. First, try logging in with another browser, like Mozilla, Microsoft Edge or Chrome, and clearing the cache and cookies in your browser.
      Alternatively, try logging in in your browsers “Incognito Mode”.
      If you are still getting the same error message, then try disabling all anti ad-blocking programs, browser extensions or all anti virus programs. Restart your browser, then try logging in again.

      If this does not resolve your problem, then contact Spectrum Email on:
      Twitter: @Ask_Spectrum
      Facebook: facebook.com/Spectrum
      Note: TWC EMail and Roadrunner is now called Spectrum Webmail and the official login page is at webmail.spectrum.com.

  2. I have been logged out of my email address and when I try to log back in and it says error get hold of administrator

    1. I assume its A Time Warner Cable TWC email address, if you are getting that message.
      First try logging from webmail.spectrum.net.
      Then, try to disable ad blocking programs (AdGuard). Disable all ad blocking programs, extensions or anti virus programs. Clear your browser cache, cookies, close your browser and try accessing your email again trough th same browser or another browser

      If you are still having problem, contact customer service at:
      Twitter: @Ask_Spectrum

    1. Roadrunner Email, and TWC Email, as brands, do not exist anymore. They are now called Spectrum Webmail. If you are hinting at a desktop icon for Roadrunner, then open the new login page at https://webmail.spectrum.net/, and save it as a Bookmark, or RIGHT click on the page and choose “Save As”. You can then save the page as a Desktop Icon.
      If you want your Roadrunner Email account added to your Email App on your mobile phone, we have added instructions here: https://www.roadrunneremail-rr.com/roadrunner-email-settings

  3. i got a new phone and it says i have to log into my Roadrunner account. I have tried every password I have ever used and it doent take it. It works great on my galaxy 8+but not my note 10+. How do i get the password reset? Dont say spectrum as they changed mine and it doesnt work for roadrunner.

    1. To reset your Roadrunner password, visit https://pt.rr.com/ and click on “I don’t know my email password”.
      On the next page, enter your email address. Click on “I’m not a robot and click on the submit button”.
      Next you will be prompted to enter your Cable Modem ID (MAC address).
      Locate you Cable Modem ID in the drop-down list.
      Type your MAC address in the text box.
      Select Security Verification Question and answer your securityv question.
      Click on the Reset password.

    1. Some email providfers block access from certain country IPs. Try logging in in “Incognito mode” in your browser”, or use a VPN or Proxy Ip that mimics logging in from your home country.

  4. i had twc internet service since all of the changes i cannot get into my emails to read my mail whats going on help

  5. I’m very disappointed with the switch from TWC to Spectrum email. Features have been lost. With TWC email I could click on a header (such as From or Subject or Date or Size) and email would be sorted, and displayed, based on that information. Click again and it is reversed. So I could see email from oldest to newest or newest to oldest. I could see email based on sender. This is no more and I consider it a major lose. Not only that, but email moved to a sub-folder shows up based on when it was moved, not on actual date. I have tried contacting Spectrum support about these issues but with no response and no one seems to care. Am I the only one that misses these features?

    1. I have the very same issue and it is So irritating. Did anyone respond to you on how to fix this? Or is this just the way it has to be now?

  6. Office 365 Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird will no longer connect to the legacy Roadrunner pop-server.nyc.rr.com and smtp-server.nyc.rr.com servers nor will they connect to the mobile.charter.net servers, even with the new email configuration I received from Spectrum (similar to yours). I created a new email account using IMAP vs. Pop3 and even tried changing my Spectrum password as they suggested but no joy. I can still get my Roadrunner email using webmail.spectrum.net but I like to have the old emails on my computer for searching and reference. Any help would be appreciated.

    1. If you get an answer I hope it is posted here. I used to use Eudora but can no longer connect to the pop server for san.rr.com.

  7. We are moving to a new address where GREENLIGHT is available. My only dilema is that I don’t know if I can access my roadrunner email through this service provider. My husband was told that we have to stay with spectrum if we want to continue to use the RR email. Please advise!

  8. Hi guys,

    I recently heard of roadrunner. it’s a great tool apparently. which are the main differences from other email providers?

    1. Who told you that? Roadrunner actually no longer exists as a separate entity. Spectrum bought Time-Warner and replaced roadrunner with it’s own Spectrum webmail which I think is a step in the wrong direction.

  9. I have always logged in to our rr emails using the pop3 settings….NOT IMAP.
    I recently created an account on an android phone and used the IMAP settings instead, and now the pop3 settings will no longer work on my desktop computer. I have changed that software (still using eudora) to the IMAP settings but hate it, but cannot seem to put it back to pop3.i have deleted all the accounts and tried starting over to no avail My other 2 rr emails are still working fine on the pop3 settings, which i STRONGLY prefer. I cannot find any master acct on spectrum that controls these rr email accounts. i do log into my spectrum acct but there are no settings for the emails………… help??

  10. Spectrum Chat told me that there is no service which has kept the old Roadrunner mail and there is no way to access it.

    Is this true?

  11. I am able to log into my rr account through the webmail.spectrum account on a PC or Mac, but can only get the first page of emails. The rest won’t load. It works fine on my phone (I transferred the data for the email server from my old phone). However, I can’t print out anything from my phone.

  12. My email program isn’t working! I can’t send to myself. If I call for help I’m told I must use the Spectrum webmail — IOW, come in and do everything there, and I can’t use my Outlook program. How can I write articles, search for links, in Webmail? Answer: I can’t.

    I’m stumped by all that is going on with Spectrum. When I call for help nobody cares, and nobody knows anything — and they seem to think that having a computer with an email program called Outlook is a big crime, and everyone should be using Spectrum webmail for their email. That makes NO SENSE.

    I am not a geek at all. I am a writer, and I am beside myself over losing my ability to write. What is the use of having a computer? What am I paying for? How can this company that claims to be Internet, charge me for what I’ve had and then just take it away?

    This can’t be happening, but it is. I don’t understand. If only someone would tell me what’s going on. I’m so upset. I live in the country and I need my computer to communicate with the world. At least I can watch youtube. I don’t do Facebook or any of that. I just want my email program to work like it did. What can I do?

  13. My @nyc.rr.com email is the one that is my go to email. I am going to cancel my Spectrum account but dont want to lose that address. is there anything to do that will let me keep that address?

  14. My mom is trying to access her old roadrunner email acct. She does NOT remember her password nor she is able to remember her login information. She only recalls what her roadrunner email was.

    1. Go to www pt.rr.com. Click on “I don’t know my email password”. Then, enter your email address, click on “Im not a Robot”, click “Submit” and follow the instructions.

  15. I followed the instructions to reset my password, since I forgot it. I keep getting an error message and I cannot access my email from my desktop

  16. I have a friend who needs to access her contact list from her Roadrunner account. Her name is Vivian DeWitt and her email address is (or was) vivianxxx @roadrunner.com. Is she still able to access that contact list?

  17. I need instructions on how to set up my cinci.rr.com account on the mail app on an HP computer. I’ve attempted, but it doesn’t work.

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